viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2023



Chris Candidovsky

The wet grit of the watch slips through my fingers,

An exhausting, chaotic choreography.

The stations fill and empty,

With soulless trains, in a trance.

The pendulum of time swings up and down.

Listen, their chant remains the same,

Its music is an unresolved melody,

Of what has been and what became.

martes, 26 de diciembre de 2023

#30. DANCE


Life is a somber dance of fallen leaves,

Fluttering in the wind of nostalgia.

The year is a string, taut and fiery,

That rumbles in the silence of the calendar.

Longing is a lonely star,

Shining faintly in a darkened sky.

My thoughts are mournful tunes,

An enigmatic date in the heart.

miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2023



Chris Candidovsky

In the thick darkness, your spirits shrink,

Like a chrysanthemum that withers and makes you weep.

Without a moral astrolabe, your steps are lost in madness.

A shadow rises before you, like a petrified statue,

Your heart beats with fear, seized by a sudden memory.

martes, 19 de diciembre de 2023



Chris Candidovsky

In the twilight of your wounds, your smile hides your sorrow.

Your lost gaze searches for a secret porthole,

Waiting for a dazzling rider, who never arrives.

Only a shadowy embrace,

Bony hands laid forever,

On your stiff shoulders.

lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2023

#27. BLIND


Chris Candidovsky

Life, an invisible burden,

In the heartbeat of the blind mendicant.

Time, a somersault into the abyss,

A brawl to survive despair.

The now, a wavering flame,

In the darkest eve of the soul.

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2023



Chris Candidovsky

My soul, storm in a vessel

In the body of a foolish dreamer,

Screams for weariness, craves for provocation,

Its only mission is a life with you.

Under the shadow of the heartbeat that moves away,

It runs towards the void of eternity,

Where lips in a kiss mingle,

And we mingle in a long goodbye.

jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2023



Chris Candidovsky

Passion intertwines with pain,

In a dance of desire and anguish.

Life is an eternal famine,

An incessant question that won't let you die.

Love, a flame in the soul,

That consumes and enlivens the heart,

An obsession with eternity,

A cyclical and incurable madness.

(*) Intertwine: Entrlazar.

(*) Famine: Hambruna.

(*) Enliven: Animar, dar vida algo/alguien.

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023


Chris  Candidovsky


The light of the sunset grows cloudy,

And the voices of the past echo.

Memories parade in the twilight,

Like shadows among the fallen leaves.

Sweet melancholy assails,

Like a tide of bitterness that creeps in.

Sorrow, a sad song that is silenced,

At the end of the long journey of the one who never traveled.

(*) Assail: Asaltar, acometer

(*) Sorrow: Dolor, pesar

(*) Creep in: Entrar en puntillas 

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2023


Chris Candidovsky


The calendar thins to a single sheet,

Timid farewell,

Haunted dreams escaped,

In the hope of catching a new naive.

I am left with an awakening, a song without notes,

Lyric of the devastated heart.

(*) Thin (v): Adelgazar

(*) Naive: Ingenuo

jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2023


Chris  Candidovsky


St. Nicholas disguises himself in a veil of tar,

Darkening the childish fantasy, my Christmas shrinks,

Its gloom black as nothingness invades my mind,

The feeling of anguish, a whirlwind that suffocates me,

And drags me down to the bottom, where there is no Christmas.

(*) Tar: Alquitrán

(*) Childish: Infantil

(*) Gloom: Penumbra, pesimismo 

(*) Anguish: Angustia

(*) Whirlwind: Remolino 

(*) Drag down: Arrastrar hacia abajo.

martes, 5 de diciembre de 2023



Chris Candidovsky

Centuries and seconds melt in the twilight,

A funnel of restlessness traps us,

It's a mist that shrinks the spirit,

The body is a ship of confusion,

Sailing in a sea of sharp mirrors.

lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2023


Chris Candidovsky


In my own pandemonium a question drifts,


The bearings of my course come together gravely,

Amalgamating sensations of fear and hope,

My thoughts whisper ominously,

My soul darkens under the veil of uncertainty,

The beauty of my life flows into the confines of darkness.

(*) Drift: Ir a la deriva, dejarse llevar.

(*) Bearing: Demora naútica, rumbo, orientación.

(*) Veil: Velo

(*) Darken: Oscurecer.

viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2023


Chris Candidovsky


December is here and the light of the year fades away,

Like a putrid fruit, the year slips away and does not return,

January's uncertainty sways in the air,

Like a cruel specter hidden in the darkness, harbinger of the next calendar.

(*) Fade away: Desvanecerse.

(*) Putrid: Pútrido, putrefacto.

(*) Sway: Mecerse.

(*) Specter: Espectro, fantasma.

(*) Harbinger: Presagio.


  In the labyrinth of my mind, darkness and light intermingle. The past is a shadow, the present a battle. But on the horizon shines a light...